Экспорт публикаций
Shkurat T.P. The Chances of Rat Blood Plasma H2S Concentration after Musculoskeletal System Trauma under the Experimental Hyperhomocysteinaemia Conditions / Shkurat T.P., Alliluev I.A., Vechkanov E.M., Sorokina I.A. // Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore. — 2016.
— T. 45 (suppl),
№ 9. — С. 386.
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Shkurat T.P. The hOGG1 Ser326Cys Polymorphism and Pathospermia / Shkurat T.P., Savikina K.G., Lomteva S.V., Aleksandrova A.A., Shkurat M.A. // Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore. — 2016.
— T. 45 (suppl),
№ 9. — С. 162.
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Shkurat T.P. Developing an Algorithm that Assesses the Occurrence of Fetal Macrosomia in the Early Stages of Pregnancy for a Decision Support System / Shkurat T.P., Ponomareva N.S., Lichmanenko A., Rymashevkiy A.N., , Panich A.E., Grushko E.I. // Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore. — 2016.
— T. 45 (suppl),
№ 9. — С. 171.
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Shkurat T.P. Mir-17 MicroRNA Family in the Gonadotropins Regulation / Shkurat T.P., Ponomareva N.S., Lyangasova O.V., Battalov D.V., Panich A.E. // Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore. — 2016.
— T. 45 (suppl),
№ 9. — С. 167.
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Shkurat T.P. Oxidative Status Markers in the Diagnosis of Pathospermia / Shkurat T.P., Sherchkova T.A., Aleksandrova A.A., Savikina K.G., Nevedomskaya A., Gutnikova L.V., Lomteva S.V., Mashkina E.V. // 7-th Singapore Health and Biomedical Congress, 23-24 September 2016. Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore. - 2016. – С. Vol. 45 (suppl), № 9 . - P. 168.
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Shkurat T.P. Predictive Diagnostics of Newborn Pathologies Based on Neuroph Software Framework / Shkurat T.P., Romanov D.E., Antonenko A., Gugueva A., Safronenko O. // Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore. – С. 387.
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Shkurat T.P. The Search for MicroRNA Targets in the Rhox Family of Homeotic Genes for Fertility and Gametogenesis Regulation / Shkurat T.P., Romanov D.E., Ponomareva N.S., Rogacheva E., Shkurat M.A., Panich A.E. // . — 2016.
— T. 45 (suppl),
№ 9. — С. 166.
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Mashkina E.V. Association of gene polymorphisms of matrix metalloproteinases with reproductive losses in the first trimester of pregnancy / Mashkina E.V., , , , Belanova A.A., Shkurat T.P. // Russian journal of genetics. — 2016.
— T. 52,
№ 8. — С. 853-859.
Butenko E.V. Lipid metabolism genes polymorphisms are assosiated with atherosclerotic status / Butenko E.V., Timofeeva S.V., Neskubina O., Shkurat T.P. // International Young Scientists Conference "New trends in life science", Erevan, Armenia, 26-28 September 2016. – С. 40-41.
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Derevyanchuk E.G. Investigation of the lipid metabolism and cytokines genes polymorphisms role in the development of atherosclerosis / Derevyanchuk E.G., Neskubina O., Demakova N., Shkurat T.P. // International Young Scientists Conference "New trends in life science", Erevan, Armenia, 26-28 September 2016. – С. 42.
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Grushko E. Bioinformatic search of the noncoding genome functional elements of genes up-regulated in response to oxidative stress / Grushko E., Shkurat M.A., Ponomareva N.S., Romanov D.E., Shkurat T.P. // International Young Scientists Conference "New trends in life science", Erevan, Armenia, 26-28 September 2016. – С. 45.
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Lyangasova O.V. Levels of follicle-stimulating hormone and assisted reproduction technologies / Lyangasova O.V., Tsigankova E., Savikina K. // International Young Scientists Conference "New trends in life science", Erevan, Armenia, 26-28 September 2016. – С. 56-57.
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Shkurat T.P. The role of noncoding DNA in ontogeny and evolution / Shkurat T.P. // International Young Scientists Conference "New trends in life science", Erevan, Armenia, 26-28 September 2016. – С. 27.
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Timofeeva S.V. Inflammatory response and oxidative stress genes polymorphisms are assosiated with atherosclerotic status / Timofeeva S.V., Butenko E.V., Neskubina O., Potemkin D., Mashkina E.V. // International Young Scientists Conference "New trends in life science", Erevan, Armenia, 26-28 September 2016. – С. 69.
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Физические свойства почв Ростовской агломерации / , Безуглова О.С., Абросимов К.Н., Скворцова Е.Б., , Морозов И.В. // Почвоведение. — 2016.
№ 8. — С. 964-974.
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Скрининг транзиторного гипотериоза у жителей 30-км зоны ростовской АЭС и Ростовской области / , Богачев И.В., Шиманский А.Е., Попова З.Г., Колина Е.А. , Шкурат Т.П.
// Современные проблемы науки и образования. — 2016. — № 2.
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=24418
Гончарова А.С. Определение концентраций факторов роста и дифференцировки PLGF, GDF-15, IGF-1 и IGF-BP-1 в пуповинной крови новорожденных при макросомии / Гончарова А.С., Александрова А.А., Гутникова Л.В., Шкурат Т.П., Рымашевский А.Н. // Медицинский алфавит. — 2016.
— T. 1,
№ 3. — С. 70-71.
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Шкурат Т.П. Изучение частот распространения герминальных мутаций в генах супрессорах опухолевого роста BRCA1 и BRCA2 у здоровых жителей Hостовской области / Шкурат Т.П., Батталов Д.В., , Попова З.Г., Машкина Е.В.
// Живые и биокосные системы. — 2016. — № 17.
URL: http://www.jbks.ru/archive/issue-17/article-8
Galitsyna E.V. Mutations of mitochondrial DNA in chronic non-inflammatory diseases: target candidates for treatment / Galitsyna E.V., Sazonova M.A., Shkurat T.P., Demakova N.A., Melnichenko A.A., Sinyov V.V., Ryzhkova A.I., Mitrofanov K.Y., Zhelankin A.V., Sobenin I.A., Orekhov A.N.
// Current Pharmaceutical Design. — 2016. —
URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27774907
Sazonova M. Creation of hybrid lines of monocyte origin with high heteroplasty level for mitochondrial genome mutation m.1555G>A / Sazonova M., Sinyov V., Ryzhkova A., Shkurat T.P., Demakova N, Nikitina N., Sobenin I., Orekhov A.
// Atherosclerosis. — 2016. — Vol. 252,
URL: http://www.atherosclerosis-journal.com/article/S0021-9150(16)30797-3/abstract
Sazonova V.A. Cybrid models of pathological cell processes in different diseases / Sazonova V.A., Sinyov V.V., Ryzhkova A.I., Galitsyna E.V., Shkurat T.P., Melnichenko A.A., Demakova N.A., Postnov A.Y., Sobenin I.A., Orekhov A.N.
// Current Pharmaceutical Design. — 2016. —
URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27855611
Shkurat T.P. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor: Genetic Aspects in Children with Asthma in the Rostov Region / Shkurat T.P., Lebedenko AA, Mashkina E.V., Semernik OE, Dreyzina TK.
// The Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences. — 2016. — № 15 (4).
URL: http://www.ojhas.org/issue60/2016-4-7.html
Butenko E.V. MiRNA regulation of uterine fibroids pathogenesis / Butenko E.V., Матевосян М.С., Pokudina I.O., Romanov D.E. // European journal of human genetics. — 2016.
— T. 24,
№ E-S1. p 63. — С. 412.
Бутенко Е.В. Биоинформационное исследование мирнк регуляторов генов патогенеза миомы матки / Бутенко Е.В., Покудина И.О., Романов Д.Е., Матевосян М.С. // Медико-биологические аспекты мультифакториальной патологии. — 2016.
— С. 81-82.
Butenko E.V. Mi-RNA regulation of uterine fibroids pathogenesis: Bioinformatics study / Butenko E.V., Pokudina I.O., Romanov D.E., Матевосян М.С.
// "Abstracts for the 3rd Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation "Medical and Biological Aspects of Multifactorial Diseases" at Kursk State Medical University, Russia (May 17th to 19th, 2016)", International Journal of Medical Biology. — 2016. —
URL: doi:10.4303/ijmb/235985
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